7th National Congress of the Kuomintang - définition. Qu'est-ce que 7th National Congress of the Kuomintang
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Qu'est-ce (qui) est 7th National Congress of the Kuomintang - définition

6th National Congress of the Kuomintang         
The 6th National Congress of the Kuomintang () was the sixth national congress of the Kuomintang, held on 5 May 1945 at Chungking, Republic of China. This congress saw the first participation of Taiwan Province in the congress, represented by Hsieh Tung-min, despite Taiwan being under Japanese rule.
11th National Congress of the Kuomintang         
11th National Congress of Kuomintang
The 11th National Congress of the Kuomintang () was the eleventh national congress of the Kuomintang, held on 12–18 November 1976 in Taipei, Taiwan. This is the first party congress after the Republic of China lost international recognition in 1971 and the death of Chiang Kai-shek in 1975.
1st National Congress of the Kuomintang         
  • Building venue exterior
The 1st National Congress of the Kuomintang () was the first national congress of the Kuomintang, held on 20–30 January 1924 at Guangzhou, Guangdong, Republic of China.


7th National Congress of the Kuomintang
The 7th National Congress of the Kuomintang () was the seventh national congress of the Kuomintang (KMT), held on 10–20 October 1952 at Taipei, Taiwan. This was the first KMT National Congress in Taiwan, formerly a Japanese territory until 1952, after KMT lost Mainland China to the Chinese Communist Party in the Chinese Civil War.